Tree removal in the Summer time

Tree removal due to Summer drought & Invasive vines and ivy

Tree Removal for large dead tree


The summer months are hot and droughts are common.  The last few years we have had some pretty severe droughts during the July and August months.  Large mature trees need hundreds of gallons of water each and every day to survive.  When it doesn’t rain for weeks at a time, trees can go into decline and suffer from the lack of water.  The affects of drought might not always be present or known immediately either.  Sometimes, it can take years before any signs of this decline is visible.  It really depends on the species and specifics of a tree, its condition, and the environmental impact.  For the most part, trees are extremely resilient and adaptive.  It’s pretty amazing how trees can survive in what sometimes can be observed as very poor conditions.  Such as, a large tree on the side of a busy road with pavement and sidewalks totally covering the ground over top of the root system.  Trees can identify moisture just under surfaces such as asphalt or concrete and benefit from water absorption.  Of course, if a tree is located near a stream of water, lake, or low area, this can be very beneficial for drought seasons.  Most residential property trees however, don’t have ideal conditions for a tree when they go through drought spells.

So what can you do, you ask?  Great question!  If you notice that your tree looks dry based on the leaves and weather conditions, watering is recommended during these times.  Trees like deep infrequent soakings naturally.  So you can put your hose around the drip line in multiple spots and let your hose trickle water for about 15-20 minutes or so.  Pick about 4-5 spots to place the hose.  Try not to get the tree trunk wet, you don’t want to cause other potential issues from too much water.  A sprinkler works also, but again, don’t saturate the trunk.

Invasive Vines and Ivy

Another potential harmful thing for trees are invasive vines and ivy.

See in these pictures, where all you can see alive on this large dead Oak is the creeping vine all over it.  Invasive vines and ivy can kill trees.  Often, we recommend that our customers have the vines, ivy, or invasive cut at the base of the trunk.  Cutting the vines or ivy off the trunk from the ground up about 5-6′ all the way around the trunk will kill it within a year or so.  If the vines or ivy go up the majority of the trunk of the tree and into the canopy, after cutting the invasive at the base of the trunk, it will hopefully die and fall off in time.

Unfortunately, all to often, we see large trees die caused from the two issues mentioned above.  Extreme weather conditions such as drought and invasive species interfering taking up much of a trees available resources.  Tree Removal is necessary when people and dead trees are in close proximity.  JL Tree Service Inc specializes in large dead tree removals.  We have 3 cranes and many experienced tree crews that perform this work on a daily basis.


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