How Do You Know When a Tree Needs To Be Removed?

Now that spring is here, the plants on your property are probably coming alive with color. But there may actually be some hazardous trees around your home that aren’t showing the same signs of life. Whether due to insect activity, disease, age, storm damage, nearby construction, or improper care, certain trees on your property may need to be removed for safety reasons.

You might not like the idea of removing these trees, but hazardous trees will do far more harm than good. They can attract pests, spread disease to other trees, or potentially fall and cause significant damage to your home. They can also take away from your property’s value, which can be a problem if you’re looking to sell your home in the future. Ultimately, it’s much smarter to have a tree service remove these dead or dying trees as soon as possible.

But how do you know when a tree needs to be removed? And what should you do if you think you have hazardous trees around your home? We’ll answer those questions below.

Signs It May Be Time to Remove a Tree on Your Property

Unless you’re a trained and certified arborist, you may think there’s no way to discern whether a tree needs to be removed. But if you walk around your property and pay close attention to the surrounding trees, you may be able to spot some indicators that it’s time to take action. Be sure to look for:

  • Swelling around the tree’s roots
  • Small shoots around the trunk
  • Loose, chipped, or peeling bark
  • Lopsided or leaning trees
  • More than 50% damage to a tree
  • Hanging or dead branches in the upper crown
  • Trunk cavities (more than one-third hollow)
  • Exposed tree roots
  • Dead or dying branches
  • No leaves or buds on upper branches
  • Large vertical cracks in the trunk
  • Fungi growth around the trunk’s base
  • Large tree growth underneath powerlines
  • Undesirable tree species (prone to debris, damage, or disease)

While you may not feel completely confident in your ability to identify these problems, examining the trees on your property can provide you with greater insight into what might need to be done in the coming weeks and months to protect your property and loved ones.

How to Remove Hazardous Trees

Although you might be accustomed to handling landscaping on your own, keep in mind that a single tree can weigh up to 50 tons or more. DIY tree removal can be extremely dangerous. If you suspect that you have some dead trees on your property or that a tree may pose a safety hazard, it’s best to contact a reputable tree removal service company to handle the job. Your tree removal service can inspect the trees in question and make recommendations about how to handle this removal process. They’ll handle the process from start to finish, leaving you with a safer and more beautiful property as a result.

If you’re worried about dead or dying trees on your property or you want to prevent pests or disease, it’s a good idea to contact your local tree service. We’re here to make sure that your trees are healthy and that your home offers a safe environment for all. For more information about tree removal and our other tree services, please get in touch with us today.

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